Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 1 - Santa Barbara to Las Vegas (Henderson)

[Karen] A loooong day - I still had a lot to do, pick up, clean out the refrig, etc. Tony said 'yes' to some things from the refrig - frying bacon wafted over to us from the apt as we did last minute stuff. We had attended Dunn Middle School graduation Friday morning and Lucas gave such a magnificent account of his growth at Dunn. I wanted to stand up and make a spectacle of myself cheering but for his sake held onto my emotions. Congratulations Lucas and enjoy Midland - we know you will be well loved there as well as at Dunn.

We hugged Tony who will be watching out for the house along with Jack who we left doing bird management duty on the patio and gave a hug to Eleanor as well who will be using the room downstairs for her art studio.

We bid farewell to the Pacific as we turned inland on 126 toward Magic Mtn stopping for lunch in Valencia. On to Palmdale and the Pay-ah Blossom Highway as Sirie terms it - undoubtedly trying to prepare us for Va-ginyah later on. A long, long way to Barstow (sorry the Beast of Barstow evidently was ground up for highway), Baker and finally Lost Vegas and a final 15 to Henderson where we are ensconsed as Kalon was concerned about leaving his bicycle in the Prius overnite in some motel garage. So we see the lights of Vegas in from out motel room. We noticed a Whole Paycheck (Foods, for the uninitiated) on our way to our motel so backtracked 5 miles to pick up lunch makings for the future as well as yummy food and wine for dinner. We had lovely music thanks to Bob Gross and Emma - our favorite 'Lead Me Lord' altho anything Emma sings and Bob writes is food for the soul. Well, 'nite, y'all...Love and Dieu te garde et tu benisse as JRT used to say to us as we headed off to school.

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